2023-2024 Board of Trustees


Jones Hollister

Vice President
Andrew Emmott 

Phyllis O’Neill

Tim Vignos

Members At Large:

(Alphabetical by Last Name)

Steve Kuzma

Yvonne Lyles

Rhiannon Schantz-Mulford

Contact the Board:

Board Meeting Minutes

Approved board meeting minutes for the current and past church years are available below. 

UUCE Board Covenant

The UUCE Board of Trustees, in order to uphold the mission of this church and ground our mutual service in a shared experience of Love, covenants to:

Practice Openheartedness—including vulnerability, boundaries, respect, accountability, non-judgment, forgiveness, and generosity;

Show up, be prepared, do research as needed, and be fully present for discussions;

Listen compassionately for, and share generously, the wisdom and experience we bring;

Be willing to ask for, and offer, help;

Increase our awareness of, and take responsibility for, our impact on one another;

Set aside personal agendas; support Board decisions once made;

Respect confidentiality when requested;

Make being a Board member our primary volunteer commitment;

Hold each other and ourselves accountable to our Mission, Covenants, and UU Principles.