Middle & High School Youth Group (grades 6-12)
Gatherings begin with chalice lighting and check-in. Youth and advisors share music, art, poetry, and other materials.
Youth select and plan an annual service project and covenant to create a safe space for themselves and one another.
Don’t forget to fill out the Children and Youth Information Form, to ensure advisors have important health and safety information in case of an emergency, and all program participants are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
- Youth-led Sunday worship
- Music performances at the alternative services
- Discussions led by Youth around a topic
- Service projects
- Participating in Regional or National Events with other UU Youth
- River Rafting the Mckenzie River
- Haunted Maze
- CROP Walk
- Bowling
- Hosting a Hunger Banquet
- Making food for Soup Sunday
- Sleepovers at the church
- Eugene Stream Team clean-up day on the creek
- Helping package food at Food for Lane County
Youth Get Connected Through:
Fall and Spring, annually – this twice-a-year opportunity brings in youth from all over the Pacific Northwest for a whirlwind three days of travel, friendship, spiritual deepening and growth, leadership opportunity, music, fun, laughter, worship, workshops, playshops, and more. Youth can pursue Chaplaincy training, Leadership development, Goldmine, YES Team, and other district offerings that prepare them to take on leadership roles at Conferences, and potentially in preparation to take leadership roles at the UUA General Assembly, and beyond.
– alternating years – a human growth and development curriculum designed for people throughout their whole lives, this sexuality education program takes a holistic view of human relationships. Developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ, this faith-based sexuality curriculum offers age-appropriate information and opportunities for discussion and learning from kindergarten through senior adulthood. Here at UUCE, we guarantee a regular offering of the 8-9th curriculum and the 10-12th curriculum, and hope to bring more age-levels to the church as the need and interest arises.
– alternating years – This right of passage program offers youth an opportunity to explore their own spiritual lives, to delve into their beliefs, value-system, and personal ethical code. Through the course of this program, youth are guided through the process of writing their own personal creed, which they can then share with the congregation. Experiences such as a mask-making workshop, Inipi (sweat lodge) ceremony, ropes course, and vision quest help to enrich and enliven this program in meaningful ways. Many youth report that Coming of Age marked the beginning of their own transition into adulthood, and that the program made a lasting impact on their own sense of self.
– annual event – Bringing together Unitarian Universalists from around the world, General Assembly often boasts attendance of more than 5,500 people each year. Held on alternating coasts in the United States, this event is packed with opportunities for people of all ages to take part. General Assembly is where much of the work of the church gets decided and takes place. Congregational Studies/Action Issues (CSAIs), Statements of Conscience (SoCs), and Actions of Immediate Witness (AIWs) are all determined during the course of the General Assembly. Churches send delegates to represent their interests, and youth can be chosen as a delegate. Youth can also participate in the Youth Caucus, where, as a group, they impact the CSAIs, SoCs, and AIWs of the larger assembly. Participating in GA is an awesome opportunity – friendship, worship, social justice, and community combine.