Shaping Our Story: Congregational Visioning

UUCE teamed up with Convergence Consultants for a multi-step visioning process.

Our first action was to complete the 2024 Congregational Vitality Survey which was submitted by nearly two-hundred UUCE members and friends. This survey was a wellness check for Convergence to learn about UUCE and the information gathered along with our attendance records, demographics, and other communications, were used by the consultants to look for trends, concerns, and emerging possibilities and connections.

Past Steps

  • April-May, 2024
  • June 23, 2024
    • Visioning Report: Survey Results (video)
  • August 27, 2024
    • Creative Congregations: A Virtual Tour of Congregations Architecting Inventive Futures (video)

blue text "your voice matters" on white background

Your voice matters. 

You’re continued participation in this important community process is invaluable. Help shape the future story of UUCE!


Shaping Our Story:
An Extended Service to Imagine Our Future
Sunday, September 22, 10:00am – 2:00pm
Sanctuary, Social Hall, and Zoom
Lunch and childcare provided

The UUCE Visioning Team invites you to co-create an exploratory space where we will play with shaping different futures for our congregation in The Futures Lab!

Rev. Cameron Trimble from Convergence will take us on a voyage to the year 2070. We will release the assumptions we hold in the present and embrace our wildest imaginations so that together, we can architect a preferred future rather than be colonized by one.

The Futures Lab practice is based on a field of study called “Futures Literacy,” the idea that we are able to learn to include the future in what we see and do, just like we can learn reading, writing and mathematics. Futures Labs are taking place across the globe on a wide variety of topics including the future of jobs, health and well-being, gender and more. Now, it’s our turn to focus on the future of spirituality and our church.

We will gather around the round tables for a short coming together service followed by coffee hour with an early lunch. Then we will welcome Rev. Trimble to lead us through this creative thinking process.

Our collaborative ideas from the Futures Lab will be used twofold.

  • First, they will help illuminate the path to a bright future here at UUCE, as we create our long term plan.
  • Second, Convergence will link our results with other church congregations’ outcomes, across a wide variety of denominations, to puzzle together what the themes of spirituality might look like in the future. 

Come, let our imaginations soar together on Sunday, September 22!

(Zoom and in-person registration, meal planning, and mini survey)

Your Visioning Team
Emily Ciscell
Izzy Crecca

Ryan Doppelmayr
Stephanie Dorman
Andrew Emmot
Barbara Kellogg
Yvonne Lyles
Rev. Jennifer Youngsun Ryu
Judy Shaw
Rev. Cameron Trimble, Convergence consultant