Small Group Connection Circles
Communities within Community - Connect, Grow, Serve
The 2024-25 SGCC program has two series of meetings covering a duplicate set of topics. You are welcome to participate in either or both.
First Series: in-progress, registration closed
Second Series: February through April or June 2025
Registration closed.
What are Small Group Connection Circles (SGCC)?
Though a series of meetings with a small group of people, we strive:
- To build community with deeper connections and friendships
- To explore personal and spiritual growth
- To provide service.
Group size is limited to enhance the opportunity for personal sharing and the development of trust and friendships.
As we share our own truths and listen to the truths of others, our connections deepen, and we are better able to lend care and support each other.
- Each group has a facilitator trained to lead in an environment of open exchange, kindness, and trust.
- The members of the group agree to a covenant (agreement) about how we treat each other, including elements related to respect, privacy, attendance, and time keeping.
- The groups follow a specific meeting structure.
- Group size is up to ten people.
- Any member or friend of the church may register.
- The groups meet for two hours weekly or twice a month for ten sessions.
- The topics of the sessions are a means to get know each other and to explore values, beliefs, and experiences.
- Most of the time is spent in respectful listening and sharing.
- Each group has the option to do a service project for the church or the larger community.
- Small Group Connection Circles are different from a discussion group, study group, debate society, therapy group, problem-solving group, committee, or an affinity group.
- Opening: Each meeting starts with chalice lighting or sounding a chime and a relevant reading.
- Check-in: Each person is asked to share how they are feeling.
- Topic:
- Readings.
- Questions and requests to stimulate responses to each session’s topic.
- Sharing: Each person has a time for uninterrupted sharing of their responses as a reflection of their individual journey. After all have shared, there may be time for open discussion.
- Administrative matters.
- Check-out: Likes and wishes from each person, how they are feeling.
- Closing: Reading, extinguishing the flame or sounding a chime, and optional closing ritual.
Frequently Asked Questions
- UUCE initiated its SGCC program in 2003 under the name Shared Ministry Groups (SMG). The name was changed to Small Group Ministry (SGM) in 2006. The name was changed to Small Group Connection Circles (SGCC) in 2021.
- The program is directed by a steering committee working closely with the minister. They select and train facilitators and develop topics for the sessions.
- For more information, click UUCE SGCC Facilitator Training Manual, revised 9-16-23 or find this attachment at the bottom of the page.
- Similar programs (using various names, such as Small Group Ministry, Chalice Circles, Covenant Groups, and others) are thriving all across the country in UU congregations. These programs have been hugely successful in creating a true sense of community, especially in congregations whose size has grown to the point where it is difficult to know everyone.
- More information is available on the UU Small Group Ministry Network website, www.smallgroupministry.net.
- Visit the SGCC information and registration help table, located in the south hall, after each Sunday after service (11:00am-noon) through January 12.
- Sunday, January 5, 11:15am – noon
- Attend the Zoom information session. Arrive and leave at your convenience.
- Contact any member of the SGCC steering committee listed at the bottom of this page.
- Click here for the UUCE SGCC Covenant of Right Relationship and Other Information, Revised 8-21-23.pdf to read the guidelines for group interactions to which group members agree.
- See announcements in the Weekly Connections newsletter.
Each session will have a topic that is inspired by our various monthly church worship themes. The topics for the 2024-2025 series are as follows, with the order subject to revision:
- Getting Acquainted, SGCC Program and Covenant Review
- Your Story
- Deep Listening
- Invitation to Share Your Spiritual Journey
- Joy
- Imagination
- Trust
- Inclusion
- Repair
- Freedom
A service project serves the church or the larger community, and the group chooses what project it wants to do. Doing a service project will be optional for the 2024-2025 church year.
Examples of previous service projects include:
- providing food for a work party
- working on the church grounds
- being greeters or ushers for a Sunday
- volunteering one day at Food for Lane County
- helping with a fundraiser event
SGCC groups may meet via Zoom only, in dual-platform mode with some attending via Zoom and some attending in person, or all attending in person. The format may vary over time. The content of the first and second series is the same, but you are welcome to register for both.
- Registration
- Second Series 2024-2025 registration is now closed.
- Registration for the First Series for 2025-2026 will open in September of 2025.
- There is no cost to participate in the program.
- A commitment to attend each of the SGCC sessions is requested.
- The meeting frequency for both series will be either weekly or twice a month. You will have the option to indicate your preference, but there is no guarantee that your preference will be available.
- Registrants for the first series will be contacted by their facilitator in late October with the details about their first meeting. Registrants for the second series will be contacted by their facilitator in late January or early February with the details about their first meeting.
PDF: UUCE SGCC Covenant of Right Relationship and Other Information
Revised: 8-21-2023
PDF: UUCE SGCC Facilitator Training Manual
Revised: 9-16-2023
SGCC Steering Committee 2024-2025
- Dick Loescher, Chair, info-sgcc@uueugene.org
- Kat Johnson, UUCE Communications Coordinator
- Eileen Watters
- Diana Wise
- Michele Wyckoff
Small Group Connection Circles web page revised February 2, 2025