The Accessibility Task Force (ATF) meets every third Thursday at 4:00pm, both in our Church and on Zoom.
Join us on Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/uuce-atf-chat
We gather together to share our stories,
not because disabled people are particularly special, but because the “normality” of our lives is not always a part of the narratives we hear.
If you support justice and inclusion for people with disabilities — whether you have a disability or not, whether you are in Eugene or not, whether you are a UUCE member or not — we invite you to join us as we celebrate the diversity and beauty of our lives.
The Accessibility Task Force seeks to educate members and friends of the church on a variety of disability topics as well as advocate for the needs of congregants and bring about change that will make UUCE more accessible to all.
If you have accessibility needs, concerns, or questions, please phone the church office or email ATF at access@uueugene.org.
Accessibility Task Force Covenant (approved 12/2022)
In this Covenant we say how we want and hope to act with each other in the UUCE Accessibility Task Force. We strive to have a trauma-informed safe space that is as low stress as possible.
We are forgiving of each other when we have a conflict covered by this Covenant.
We welcome, support and honor diversity of all kinds. We welcome newcomers to our group by nurturing and accepting each other.
We will be brave in sharing our thoughts and needs. We will be gentle in how we share. We will listen to the ideas and views of others and attempt to understand those views.
Our communications may not always be clear. We will make amends when our impact is different from our intentions.
We work to expand our interactions with the larger community of which we are a part. We will act with empathy and humility.
We Covenant with each other to the best of our ability.
Home Accessibility Resource Guide
ATF Newsletter: Spiritually Access EUUgene News
You are also welcome to join our private ATF Newslist, distributed once or twice per month via email. Click here to join.