About Right Relations

Relationships are at the core of everything we do and stand for in Unitarian Universalism. We’re all part of an interconnected web of being, and each of us is worthy of love, respect, compassion, and connection.  

At UUCE, we define “right relations” as “ways of doing relationships with integrity and respect.” Our covenants give us guidelines for how to do that. We also acknowledge that conflict is a natural part of any relationship. While experiencing conflict can be difficult, painful, and sometimes harmful, resolving it in loving, compassionate, justice-based ways can be transformative and make us and our relationships stronger.  

The Committee on Right Relations—or CORR for short—tends our covenants and is here to help when we experience conflict.

About the Committee

CORR was established in 2023 to serve two primary purposes:  

  • help congregants and groups resolve conflicts
  • provide education and resources on right relationship. 

 We’re all new to this and learning together!

Five voting members are elected by—and report to—the congregation to serve three-year terms. The minister is a non-voting member, and when appropriate, our ministerial intern is, too.  Voting members work on policy and education and conduct mediations when they’re needed. The minister and intern advise but do not participate in mediations. Though the Board oversees CORR policy (just like all UUCE policies), CORR operates independently.  Its policy requires any committee member, voting or non-voting, to recuse themselves when they’re part of a conflict CORR is helping with. Putting it all together, this means that CORR is a safe place to ask for help if you experience conflict with the Board, the minister, a group, or another congregant. 

It may also be helpful to know a few things that CORR isn’t.

  • We don’t handle conflicts between staff members or congregant conflicts with staff members who aren’t the minister. Those situations are governed by different policies, and you can reach out to the minister directly for help.
  • We are not the police! Being invited to participate in a mediation doesn’t mean someone is bad or in trouble. Nobody gets called to appear before a committee. When a mediation is needed, we’ll choose two voting members to be the mediation team based on who’s right for the situation.
  • We aren’t judges, and they don’t punish. Everything we do is based in Transformative Justice. We’re a place to seek justice and be held in loving community in times of conflict. 

There’s a lot more information about all this in our charter and policy, and we’ll keep adding more as we learn and grow.  Please reach out if you have questions, concerns, or would like to learn more.


CORR Charter and Policy Documents



Jennifer Tucker

Jennifer Tucker has been a UU since 2018.  A retired educator from California, she has happily adopted Oregon as home!  She can be found at various UU hangouts such as the Memoir Writing Group, the Wednesday morning meditation, or the Springfield and Beyond group.

Outside of church activities, she can be found tending her patio garden, taking long walks, playing mah jong, teaching at Campbell Center, or possibly studying her Spanish lessons.
Jennifer brings a deep desire to bring people to common ground.  It is important to her that our church community provides a safe place where everyone feels respected and valued.

Eileen Waters

Eileen has been a member of UUCE since January, 2018. Previously, she was active in the North Unitarian Universalist Congregation, (Lewis Center, OH.), serving as Board President. She recently ended her 33-year career as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Supervisor, and has shifted her energy towards a better balance, hoping to continue to learn and grow — cultivating her newer interests. She believes that honesty and humor are the vital inheritance from her Irish ancestors!

Robin Schantz-Mulford

Robin uses he/him/his pronouns. He has been attending UUCE for about nineteen years and has served in many roles including UUshering, wUUrship associates, and membUUrship. He believes being a member of CORR is a way to provide valuable service to our congregation and community.

Bob Cerince

Since 2019, Bob has regularly attended UUCE worship services, helped lead congregation singing, sung with the choir, and served as a worship associate. He has also participated in and facilitated Small Group Connections Circles and the BIPOC affinity group. Bob brings relevant mediator experience and skills to help congregants address conflict in a safe, caring, and predictable manner.

Rev. Jen Youngsun Ryu

Rev. Jen is the settled minister for UUCE.  She serves as an ex-officio, non-voting member.





Suzanne Reynolds

I am a lifelong UU raised by a single mother who somehow found her way to the Unitarian church back in 1954. As an adult I was a regular attender at our UU summer camp at Seabeck Washington but it was not until I married Dennis and came to Eugene that I became more deeply involved with my church.  UUCE has been our church home ever since, even though we left for nine years to follow Dennis’ Ministerial calling.

I took that time away as an opportunity to change directions from my career as a mental health therapist working with teens and their families, to study for a year as a chaplain in a residential Hospice House and complete four units of Clinical Pastoral Education. I then became the volunteer coordinator for the Hospice on Whidbey Island and studied to become a Death Doula. I have felt called to do this work from my experience of being with the dying and my gut feeling that we humans might have less fear of death if we can come together and talk about this part of living.