Accessibility at UUCE

The Unitarian Universalist Church in Eugene welcomes all, regardless of disability or ability, and whether visible or invisible, permanent or temporary.
Virtual Church
- Sunday Services and other meetings offer both in-person and Zoom connections as needed.
- Closed captioning is available for all Zoom meetings.
- To maximize readability, fonts for slides and presentations are sans serif (without strokes at the ends of the characters) and text is high contrast to the background.
In Person
- Multi-platform services and meetings will accommodate both those in the building and those joining remotely.
- A hearing loop is available in the sanctuary.
- Switch hearing aid to the T-coil setting to use the hearing induction loop.
- A permanent ramp with handrails allows access to the front platform in our sanctuary for speakers and the choir.
- The north entrance has a button to open the door automatically.
- Large print programs and braille hymnals are provided.
- A private bathroom, accessible to wheelchair users is available, and all restrooms are gender inclusive.
- The building is uncarpeted.
- Attendees are asked not to wear fragrances.
- Four spaces are designated as handicap parking.
Accessibility Task Force
UUCE has an active group of members who form the UUCE Accessibility Task Force (ATF), dedicated to support of one another, education about disabilities, and increasing accessibility for all.
Click here for more information on the ATF.
If you have accessibility needs, concerns, or questions, please phone the church office or email ATF at

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