Pledge Card – Online and Printable
IMPORTANT: The blue buttons at the bottom of this page are for the 2024-25 budget year (current). If you are looking for the 2025-2026 budget year pledge forms, click the green button.
Pledge information helps us put together our budget for the coming church year.
Whether you’re a new friend of the church or a long-time member, your commitment to help support UUCE with time, talent, and treasure is so very important to sustain our faith community.
Click the “Pledge Online” button below to fill out your 2024-2025 pledge card to support our upcoming church year.
If you do not wish to enter your pledge information online, click the “Printable Pledge Card” button to access the printable PDF. Please print it, fill it out, and mail it to the church office. Be sure to keep a copy for your records.
Why do we pledge?
This church belongs to each of us. We pledge to fund the daily operations and to ensure that the church and its resources are here for us and for others now and in the future.
What is the money used for?
Pledge and other revenue sources (rental, investment, fundraising, donations) support our worship and music programs, our religious education program, programs for members and friends, community outreach, and connections to Unitarian Universalism. Our budget reflects our mission and vision.
Is pledging a requirement of membership?
We expect that those who benefit from the church and participate in activities will share in its financial upkeep. Some members are able to pledge more, others less, but we can all share in supporting our church.