As Unitarian Universalists, we believe in the inherent worth and dignity of all people.
This means we believe that everyone deserves access to items that help them meet their basic needs, including a place to find shelter.
The following justice groups and projects work to support the unhoused in our community.
Our conestoga huts, designed by Community Supported Shelters, and administered by St. Vincent De Paul, provide shelter to four residents. Businesses and religious organizations agree to provide housing for persons in transition by placing huts on their property. Here at UUCE, we strive to provide a safe, secure, stable environment for our Conestoga Hut residents while they transition to more permanent housing.
All resident intake is managed by St. Vincent De Paul.
Coordinated by Barb Prentice, contact the office with questions.
Sewing for a Cause is a group of people who love to use their sewing talents to create quilts and other useful fabric items for children in need. Our donations go to Bags of Love. We work at home or at the Bags of Love facility in Eugene. We welcome donations of kid-friendly cottons, flannel and fleece.
For more information on donating or joining us, contact Bonnie Koenig at sewing@uueugene.org.

Mission: To nourish others, ourselves, and sustain the earth.
Below you’ll find UUCE’s projects to help address food insecurity in and around our community.
Reach out to food@uueugene.org with any questions about the following programs.
The 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month from 2:00pm – 4:00pm in the Social Hall
The purpose of the program is to provide high quality fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as bread, to people in need. Produce is provided free of charge to individuals and families who have incomes of less than 200% of the poverty level.
This Institution is an equal opportunity employer and provider.
We make healthy sack lunches for participants in this restorative justice program, run by the city of Eugene. This program also offers walk-in services around veteran’s needs, mental health and substance abuse.
Contact food@uueugene.org for the current schedule and distribution plans.
We meet to repackage food donated to help those in our community experiencing food insecurity. Volunteers must be 14 years or older or 12-13 if accompanied by an adult. Please wear closed toed shoes and a hat or ponytail. Watch for upcoming dates in the Weekly Connections!
Next session: April 28 – June 2, 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Another collaboration with Food For Lane County, Seed to Supper is a free, 6-week program that teaches participants how to grow healthy food on a budget. The course covers soil preparation, planting, watering, harvesting and much more. Participants receive seeds, compost and other freebies.
UUCE is excited to continue the Night Shelter Meals program in cooperation with St. Vincent de Paul First Place Family Shelter and Annex! Each month members and friends will come together to provide a tasty, nourishing meal with all the trimmings for 50-80 people, including lots of children.
We’ve added more months, updated our menus, and moved to an easier, more accessible sign up system. Check it out and snag a slot for our next meal! Use this link to sign up: https://tinyurl.com/nightsheltermeals.
You can reach program coordinators Jolene Siemsen, Anne Bridgman, and
Kim Nies any time at nightshelter@uueugene.org.