Sister Circles
Sister Circles are ongoing, self-run groups open to all church members and friends who self-identify as women. Groups can form around ritual, friendship, study or discussion preferences, walking, volunteer activities, etc.
Ongoing Groups:
The First Thursday Sister Circle is currently closed to new attendees, but you’re invited to attend the Spirited Sisters meeting (see below) on the Third Thursday of each month.
The ‘Spirited Sisters’ Circle is an inclusive, member-led discussion group open to all who identify as women. We explore a wide range of topics that impact our daily lives, with a new focus at each meeting. New members are welcome to join at any time, whether for a single session or regularly. Many have found this group to be a valuable way to connect with the UUCE Community.
Spirited Sisters meets on the third Thursday of the month from 2:00 – 3:30.on Zoom. The link for the meeting can be found in the Weekly Connections newsletter or on the church calendar.
For more information contact Carolyn Moss at