Special Services and Sacred Events mark important parts of our church year. Information about upcoming Sacred Events can be found on this page. 

JUNE 2024

New Moon in Gemini Observance
featuring the Oregon White Oak and White Ash
Wednesday, June 5, 7:00pm
South Foyer and Zoom 

We have lunar observances so that we may notice and take advantage of the cycles of nature. When we take time to observe the changes of the moon, we synchronize ourselves to the tides – one of the most ancient rhythms of the planet. At this time of quiet introspection, we meditate on the practical, spiritual, and mythological traits of the trees of the Pacific Northwest, focusing on a different tree each month. Following these events, we have refreshment and lively discussion. This is an Open event: all are welcome.

Full Moon in Sagittarius Observance
Thursday, June 20, 7:00pm
Social Hall and Zoom 

We have lunar observances so that we may notice and take advantage of the cycles of nature. When we take time to observe the changes of the moon, we synchronize ourselves to the tides – one of the most ancient rhythms of the planet. At this time, we celebrate the glory of a Full Moon with music and a magical rite, charging a talisman to frame and direct your intentions. Following these events, we have refreshment and lively discussion. This is an Open event: all are welcome.

Masked Vespers
Friday, June 28, 6:00pm
South Foyer and Zoom

For anyone wanting a smaller, more intimate worship experience. We sing, share joys & sorrows, pray, meditate and enjoy the company of others in the light-filled South foyer. We wear masks during this indoor service.